accuracynoun precisión,exactitud,fidelidad Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. accurate →exacto Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 accurate a.exacto-a, preciso-a, correcto-a. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ...
The meaning of ACCURATE is free from error especially as the result of care. How to use accurate in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Accurate.
: free from mistakes especially as the result of care an accurate count 2 : agreeing exactly with truth or a standard an accurate copy 3 : able to give an accurate result an accurate gauge accurately -yə-rət-lē -yərt- adverb accurateness -nəs noun Etymology from ...
bearing,or reference; specifying,explicit,or definite:to state one's specific purpose.2.specified,precise,or particular:a specific sum of money.3.peculiar or proper to somebody or something,as qualities,characteristics,effects,etc.:His specific problems got him into...
USAir25 is a network of airports (as nodes) and airlines (as edges) that represents the US air transportation system connecting the US around the globe. 5. Word Adjacency23,26 is a network that represents the existence of either noun-noun, adjective-noun, or adjective-adjective adjacent wo...
First, networks are constructed by assessing which of each child’s MBCDI-produced nouns share semantic features using a recently developed dataset of semantic feature norms for all noun items within the MBCDI18,19. Nodes in each network are represented as nouns in the toddler’s expressive ...
b. designating a physical constant that expresses a property or effect as a quantity per unit length, area, volume, or mass.–noun 11. something specific, as a statement, quality, detail, etc.12. Medicine/Medical . a specific remedy: There is no specific for the common cold....
Is himself a predicate noun? What are direct objects in grammar? What does objective case mean? Is brother a pronoun? What kind of pronoun is who? Are verb tenses the same as verb conjugations? What is an intensive pronoun? For the pronoun, "Aunt Becky," will it...
A. The promotional announcement uses the letters “CFA” as a noun and hence is an improper use of the designation.B. The announcement violates the Code of Ethics because it implies that obtaining a CFA charter leads to superior performance.C. The fact that a promotional announcement was made...
Opinion goal is a noun or noun the phrases defined as the object about which person specific their opinions. Opinion phrase is a verb or adjectives used to specific user's opinion about the object. Opinion analysis has been classified into three phases. The first stage is recorded stage, ...