As shown in Proposition 6, the equation \(\tau ^*=1\) characterizes the necessary and sufficient conditions on the data source for non-trivially accurate predictors to exist. Particularly, in the deterministic case, we have \(\tau ^{*}=\tau \), and Proposition 6 resembles Fact 4. Propos...
Application of Machine Learning for Accuracy Improvement of Projected Precipitation of Climate Change Data with Observed Datadoi:10.1007/978-981-16-6875-3_10General circulation models (GCMs) use a mathematical equation method for transferring energy and mass from part of the atmosphere to another part...
Inspired by the concept of delta learning79, we also propose a machine-learning framework that is able to leverage densities and energies from lower-level theories (e.g., DFT) to predict CC level energies. This is achieved by correcting DFT energies using delta learning, which we denote as ...
(Heidinger et al. 2012). For cloudy sky conditions, the PSM solves the radiative transfer equation using cloud optical and physical properties as input. Cloud optical thicknessτand the cloud effective particle radiusreare the two primary cloud property inputs to the PSM, and they are derived ...
In the field of causal inference, BNs are replaced by the more fundamental Structural Causal Models (SCMs), also referred to as Functional Causal Models and Structural Equation Models59,62. SCMs are widely applied and studied, and their relation to other approaches, such as probabilistic graphical...
It gives the differential result of the discrete signal Y(n) in the following equation: (15) where ∆t = 1/fs and fs is the sampling frequency。 It gives the integral result of the discrete signal Y(n) in equation (15): (16) where ΔT is the step factor. If it is set to...
What is the Shannon entropy equation? How does cross-entropy differ from KL divergence? What is binary cross-entropy? How is categorical cross-entropy different from binary cross-entropy? Why are loss functions important in machine learning? What other kinds of loss functions are there in machine...
the actual noise model that is used to describe the various operations on the physical qubits can vary tremendously in accuracy, from simple bit- or phase-flip noise, to a full simulation of the master equation of the quantum system. (And even then, how accurately the master equations describ...
Elucidating exocytosis processes provides insights into cellular neurotransmission mechanisms and may have potential in research on neurodegenerative disea
long axis, ovality, volume, eccentricity parameters were obtained and used for the results. With this features, females classified with 80% and males classified 81% correctly. The model predictions were applied to the probability of female chick hatching equation from the previous studies, 71% of...