It has been determined that a positive shock of the external public debt can affect the growth of public expenditures. It has been proven that the most significant is the interference of the external public debt, volume of foreign investment, and the total consumption expenditures. However, ...
University of Birmingham, Birmingham BIS 2TT, UK This paper analyzes the effects on the current account of government and government-guaranteed foreign debt, on the
This then led to the hugeaccumulationsof foreign currency reserves that drive the current crisis. 这随后导致了巨额外汇储备的积累,助长了当前的危机. 互联网 Formation conditions and mechanisms as well asaccumulationsof natural gas hydrates ( NGHs ) are discussed. ...
can be squeezed out of the breast (manually or with a pump), to avoid the sudden accumulation of milk and engorgements. 乳房的乳液在一天中证实有减少的现象,可以进行挤榨(用手工或吸 奶器)避免乳液突然积聚并造成堵塞。 These and other sides of the...
and the relatedaccumulation of foreign reservesbyanumber of developing countries led to a significant [...] 全球失衡和一些发展中国家相关的外汇储备积累,导致出现了金融 资源从发展中世界向发达世界的大量净转移。
In China, both prosperity and indebtedness are rising quickly. In Japan, the investment-inhibiting unwinding of corporate debt will wear off in the years to come. Another financial market crisis is looming in Russia, despite the country's moderate degree of foreign indebtedness. 展开 ...
These were partly the consequence of interventions in foreign currency markets and consequent accumulation of foreign currency reserves . 在一定程度上,这些问题是由政府干预外汇市场以及随之而来的外汇储备不断积聚导致的。 It was the accumulation of these small choices that seemed to gradually tip their liv...
We argue that the demise of the IS model was primarily due to narrow domestic markets, heavy imports of capital goods and excessive ties with foreign multinationals, not to inefficiencies inherent in market-constraining policies. From this perspective, free market, export-led growth policies are ...
This is why most of the blames are directed to the Government of Tanzania for lack of commitment in considering education as the first priority in its budget. 展开 关键词: Foreign Countries Elementary School Teachers Debt (Financial Government (Administrative Body Case Studies Questionnaires Interviews...
of adequate financial resources, both foreign and domestic, and their effective allocation [...] 积累和调集适足的外国和国内财政资源并将其有效分配给生产部门,是成 功消除贫穷和实现毕业的关键。 ...