The Accu-Chek Inform II system has you covered. Confidence at the point of care. A total system that works for you and your patients. From the wireless meter and patented test strip technology to seamless IT integration, everything about the Accu-Chek Inform II system works together so you...
罗氏Inform II血糖检测仪适用于体外诊断,可对静脉、毛细血管、动脉和新生儿全血样本中的血糖浓度进行定量测定,从而监测血糖水平。该系统专供医疗保健专业人员使用。该系统是一种可通过测量血糖并自动保存血糖和血糖质控测试记录,从而为帮助医疗保健专业人员提供优质患者监护的床边护理装置。
血糖检测仪ACCU-CHEK Inform II System,该产品由血糖检测仪、密码阅读器、充电基座、适配器、操作软件(软件发布版本号:04)组成。,血糖检测仪ACCU-CHEK Inform II System,<<me_syfw>。
Ef,ciencyHospitalglucosebecomesa”“mobileapplicationathand”Accu-ChekInformIIsystemcomponents Accessorybox Convenientstorageandtransportofmeterandconsumables Teststrips06μLsamplesize5secondtesttimeEnddosingforeasiertesting Lancets Apioneeringsingle-uselancingdeviceofferingthreeadjustabledepthsettings cobasIT1000applicati...
贝登医疗血糖检测仪(商品名:智能型) ACCU-CHEK Inform II System医疗器械注册证主要信息:注册证编号为国食药监械(进)字2014第2404415号、注册人名称为德国罗氏诊断有限公司。
贝登医疗血糖检测仪(商品名:智能型) ACCU-CHEK Inform II System医疗器械注册证主要信息:注册证编号为国食药监械(进)字2013第2403982号、注册人名称为德国罗氏诊断有限公司。
The Accu-Chek® Inform II system is intended for in vitro diagnostic use in the quantitative determination of blood glucose levels.
Beginning with the Accu-Chek bG Blood Glucose Monitor and continuing with the 2012 launch of the CLIA-waived Accu-Chek Inform II system, Roche and the Accu-Chek brand are committed to providing real innovation in patient care, connectivity, and durability at the point of care....
b) sending patient results to Connect through the Accu-chek systemc) uploading of new operators, patient ADT and other pertinent informationd) all of the above d) all of the above Critical value documentation using the Inform II requiresa) I will type in the employee # of the RN the ...
血糖检测仪ACCU-CHEK Inform II System,该产品由血糖检测仪、密码阅读器、充电基座、适配器、操作软件(软件发布版本号:04)组成。,血糖检测仪ACCU-CHEK Inform II System,<<me_syfw>。