Accu-Chek Instant Wireless Glucometer With Free 10 Test Strips act as an aid in monitoring the effectiveness of glucose control by connecting seamlessly with the mySugr diabetes management app thru effortless bluetooth synchronization. The accu-chek instant blood glucose monitor has a sleek, modern ...
Accu-Chek® Aviva Plus test strips are still available, allowing you to continue using your Aviva system. They’re easy-to-use, and only require a tiny sample of blood to get testing results. Learn more about the product on
• Test strips come in a 10, 25, 50 vial so you can choose whatever fits your budget or therapy • Enjoy virtually pain-free testing with the Accu-Chek Softclix lancing device Additional specifications: Model: Accu‑Chek Instant wireless blood glucose meter ...
进口罗氏活力血糖试纸50片ACCU-CHEK Active?活力试纸 26年6月 北京欣和瑞达商贸有限公司1年 回头率:10.3% 北京市朝阳区 ¥175.00成交8个 德国罗氏智航血糖试纸血糖仪家用智航测试仪器官方旗舰进口 JY 型号Accu-Chek,Guide,test,strips,/,罗氏智航 广州昊源医疗科技有限公司1年 ...
For use with Accu-Chek Aviva Fast 5-second test Finger, palm, forearm testing Born in the U.S.A. For self-testing only For in vitro diagnostic use For testing glucose in fresh capillary whole blood Fast 5 second tests Finger, palm or forearm testing ...
血糖试纸(葡萄糖脱氢酶法)Accu-Chek Guide test strips 管理类别 第二类 型号规格 25片试纸/包装,50片试纸/包装,100片试纸/包装 结构及组成 介质,FAD依赖型葡萄糖脱氢酶,缓冲液,稳定剂,非反应成分。(具体详见说明书) 适用范围 用于定量检测取自手指的新鲜毛细血管全血的血糖浓度,亦适用于医务人员检测采集自静脉、...
Accu-Chek Aviva Plus Test Strips, 100.0 ea 4.0 104.0 out of 5 stars. 10 total reviews. Navigate to Ratings and Reviews section $189.99 $1.90/ea When ordered online Extra 15% off $35 Sitewide code MAR15 or Extra 20% off $50 code MAR20 Sign in to unlock savings and earn myWalgreens...
Discover valuable resources for mothers managing diabetes at Accu-Chek. Our expert tips and support can help you navigate the challenges of motherhood while managing your diabetes with confidence. Learn more today.
产品名称(英文)Accu-Chek Active test strips 结构及组成/主要组成成分试纸成分:醌蛋白葡萄糖脱氢酶突变体、吡咯喹啉醌、双-(2-羟乙基)-(4-羟亚胺环已基-2,5二烯炔)-氯化铵、2,18-磷钼酸、钠盐、稳定剂。试剂盒中还包含:1个或2个试纸筒,内含试纸和1个列出比色色阶、浓度列表及密码号的标签;1个黑色密码...
产品名称(英文) Accu-Chek Performa test strips 结构及组成/主要组成成分 醌蛋白葡萄糖脱氢酶、吡咯喹啉醌、缓冲剂、稳定剂、非反应成分。(具体内容详见说明书) 适用范围/预期用途 本产品用于定量检测取自手指的新鲜毛细血管全血中的血糖浓度。医务人员还可配合使用Accu-Chek Performa血糖仪和Accu-Chek Performa Na...