The Accu-Chek® Guide Me meter is a reliable and easy-to-use blood glucose monitoring system that can help you manage your diabetes. Learn more about the meter and its capabilities on our website.
Step 6: Remove the test strip by holding the meter so that the test strip points down. Push the strip release button forward. The test strip will fall out and meter will shut off automatically. Dispose of the used test strip. Wipe ...
The Accu-Chek® Aviva meter has been discontinued; however, Accu-Chek Aviva test strips will continue to be available so you can continue to use your Accu-Chek Aviva system. Visit our website to learn more or upgrade your meter.
This guide will take you through re-pairing your Roche® Accu-Chek® Guide Link BG meter and your Guardian™ Link (3) transmitter with your updated MiniMed™ 780G pump after using the Diabetes Updater app.Pairing the Accu-Check Guide meter 1. Press the OK button on the meter to ...
Operator’sManual WhethertheAccu-ChekPerformaMeterisyourfirstbloodglucosemeteroryouhaveusedameterforsometime,pleasetakethetimetoreadthisbookletcarefullybeforeyouuseyournewmeter.Touseitcorrectlyanddependably,youneedtounderstanditsoperation,screendisplays,andallindividualfeatures. Shouldyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontactone...
Is your Accu-Chek Guide Diabetes Meter out of power? Follow these easy instructions to change the battery and maintain accurate continuous monitoring of your blood glucose.Changing the battery is a necessary maintenance activity. Maintaining the Accu-Chek Guide Diabetes Meter's power supply is essent...
below. If ignored, this may result in temporary meter unavailability that could cause a delay in therapy decisions which in turn may potentially lead to a serious medical condition.The Battery Matter(s) have been reported in Accu-Chek Guide meters with serial numbers below 92911000001 only and ...
结构及组成/主要组成成分本产品由血糖仪主机(按键、显示屏、USB端口、电池盒盖、试纸插槽、电池)和软件(发布版本号:V1)组成。适用范围/预期用途本产品用于定量检测取自静脉血、动脉血、新生儿全血以及取自手指的新鲜毛细血管全血中的血糖浓度。 产品展示说明 产品展示说明:根据国家相关规定及平台规则,爱采购平台禁止发布...
产品名称(英文) Accu-Chek Guide Link blood glucose meter 结构及组成/主要组成成分 本产品由血糖仪主机(按键、显示屏、试纸插槽、电池、蓝牙模块)和软件(发布版本号:V4.4)组成。 适用范围/预期用途 本产品用于定量检测静脉血、动脉血、新生儿全血以及取自手指的新鲜毛细血管全血中的血糖浓度。用于医护人员临床血...
2024罗氏929型血糖仪Accu-Chek Guide blood glucose meter品牌:罗氏型号:929产地:上海产品注册号:国械注进20192220480用途:医用招商状态:招商中招商区域:全国我要留言上海艇灿医疗器械有限公司 联系时请告知消息来自3618医疗器械网,您会获得更多的优惠或支持联系人:董联系电话:02177777777 02188888888手机号码:19283227740电子...