原装罗氏活力型血糖仪家用测试纸50片瓶装罗康全ACCU-CHEK Active 广州市康恒泰医疗器械有限公司7年 月均发货速度:超3日 广东 广州市荔湾区 ¥80.00成交86件 罗氏卓越血糖仪金锐金采试纸50片ACCUCHEK Performa原装医院同款 深圳优普瑞科技有限公司4年 回头率:10.5% ...
罗氏逸智血糖试纸免调码试纸25支装送采血针头Instant血糖试纸 型号 血糖试纸(葡萄糖脱氢酶法)Accu-Chek,Instant,test,strips(逸智型) 泉州市友联医疗器械有限公司 2年 回头率: 46.6% 福建 泉州市洛江区 ¥95.00 罗氏活力血糖试纸50条ACCU-CHEK Active 50片活力型血糖仪家用 北京今缘康乐科技发展有限公司 ...
For use with Accu-Chek Aviva Fast 5-second test Finger, palm, forearm testing Born in the U.S.A. For self-testing only For in vitro diagnostic use For testing glucose in fresh capillary whole blood Fast 5 second tests Finger, palm or forearm testing ...
Fast 5-second test Finger, palm, forearm testing Born in the U.S.A. For use with: Accu-Chek® Aviva For self testing only For in vitro diagnostic use For testing glucose in fresh capillary whole blood Fast 5 second tests Finger, palm or forearm testing Check with your healthcare profes...
Now $25.09current price Now $25.09 $49.99Was $49.99 More options from $18.99Metene AGM-513S, 100 Count Test Strips for Diabetes, Use with AGM-513S Blood Glucose Monitor Only 18784.3 out of 5 Stars. 1878 reviews Save with Shipping, arrives in 2 days ...
• Test strips come in a 10, 25, 50 vial so you can choose whatever fits your budget or therapy • Enjoy virtually pain-free testing with the Accu-Chek Softclix lancing device Additional specifications: Model: Accu‑Chek Instant wireless blood glucose meter ...
Specifications: Material: Medical PVC Compatibility: Specifically designed for use with Sinocare Safe-Accu blood glucose meters Quantity Options: Available in packs of 50, 100, 200, or 400 test strips Expiration: Test strips are good for 2 years from the date of manufacture, ensuring freshness and...
During pregnancy, what are the recommended glucose levels to reduce the risk of complications? Why is it important to detect and treat gestational diabetes during pregnancy? How does gestational diabetes affect the health of mom and baby after delivery and later in life? For women thinking of bec...
产品名称(英文)Accu-Chek Active test strips 结构及组成/主要组成成分试纸成分:醌蛋白葡萄糖脱氢酶突变体、吡咯喹啉醌、双-(2-羟乙基)-(4-羟亚胺环已基-2,5二烯炔)-氯化铵、2,18-磷钼酸、钠盐、稳定剂。试剂盒中还包含:1个或2个试纸筒,内含试纸和1个列出比色色阶、浓度列表及密码号的标签;1个黑色密码...
血糖试纸(葡萄糖脱氢酶法)Accu-Chek Guide test strips 管理类别 第二类 型号规格 25片试纸/包装,50片试纸/包装,100片试纸/包装 结构及组成 介质,FAD依赖型葡萄糖脱氢酶,缓冲液,稳定剂,非反应成分。(具体详见说明书) 适用范围 用于定量检测取自手指的新鲜毛细血管全血的血糖浓度,亦适用于医务人员检测采集自静脉、...