code exp意指试纸已过期。这款Accu-Chek Aviva血糖仪在中国市场并未销售,因此无法在当地购买配套的试纸。用户只能通过网络寻找海外代购的产品,以确保获得兼容的试纸。对于使用该血糖仪的用户而言,如果遇到“E-5 code exp”的提示,首先需要检查试纸的有效期,确保试纸未过期。若试纸确实过期,需要更换新...
code exp表示试纸过期了,这款Aviva在中国没有销售,试纸配不到,只有到网上找一下海外代购的那种
我买了罗氏的血糖仪ACCU-Chek Aviva,在使用时出现"code exp"从你们给的答案是试纸过期了,但我的试纸刚买回 有效到2012-02-29,使用时仍然会出现"code exp",看来需要重新设置时间,但是我看不懂德文,请告诉我怎样设置时间?匿名用户 2011-02-21 12:18 为您推荐: 其他回答 现在这种罗氏血糖仪在医院已经广泛应用...
What should I do if my Accu-Chek meter displays an error code? If your Accu-Chek meter displays an error code, consult the user manual or contact customer support for troubleshooting guidance. In some cases, you may need to replace the batteries or the test strip. Are there any special ...
Linux C++-17 code to download samples from a "ROCHE ACCU-CHEK Guide" blood glucose monitor using libusb To compile: install libusb-1.0-dev install build-essential in a shell, type: make To run: connect your device via USB to your computer in a root shell, type: ./accuchek > sam...
If your Accu-Chek Guide meter will not turn on or the display is blank, there may be ways that you can correct it. Learn more on