CodeofEthics–IMA (Page19)CompetenceConfidentialityIntegrityObjectivityResolutionofEthicalConflict Resultsof EthicalBehavior“TheIntegrityoftheHonestkeepsthemontrack;ButtheDeviousnessofCrooksbringsthemtoruin.”Proverbs11 CMA: OneofthemainpurposesoftheCMAwastoestablishmanagementaccountingasarecognized,professionaldiscipline...
25、esponsible citizenship Pursuit of excellence Accountability,*Michael Josephson, “Teaching Ethical Decision Making and Principled Reasoning”,Code of Ethics IMA(Page 19),Competence Confidentiality Integrity Objectivity Resolution of Ethical Conflict,Results of Ethical Behavior,“The Integrity of the Ho 26...
NB. Only part of Chapter 6 (6.1- 6.9) is covered by this topic 2 GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles The , and that companies are expected to follow in preparing their financial statements. › Individual countries may have a different GAAP ...
InteractionofHomeCountryand LocalLaw Homecountriesmayhavelawsthat extendtosubsoftheirdomestic companiesthatoperateabroad Example–Sarbanes-Oxley404 complianceby2006 AuditChallenges: Distanceand Organization Distance Operationsarenotauditedas frequentlyorasthoroughly ...
However, CellProfiler Analyst requires the users to manually modify text and database files in SQL, which requires user knowledge of code editors. For this reason, we do not compare against CellProfiler Analyst. Finally, ResUNet is a convolutional neural net approach (CNN) to image segmentation ...
a. Vigorous enforcement of an established code of ethics is the best way to prevent unscrupulous actsb. Ethical standards that emphasize excellence in performance over material rewards establish individual reputations for competence and character c. Ethical standards are established so that users of ...
After years of preparation, the International HapMap Consortium is providing detailed plans of the HapMap project, its effort to create a haplotype map for the human genome. While debate over its direct value to disease research has surrounded the project since its inception, t...
To maintain corporate and business ethics. To become a trusted repository of customers money and their financial advisor. To make our stock superior and rewarding to the shareholder. To display team sprit and professionalism. To have a sound capital base. 2.11 Corporate Slogan of Nation...
Business Ethics The application of ethics to the problems and opportunities experienced by businesspeople Ethical Dilemma A problem about what a firm should do for which no clear, right decision is available Social Responsibility of Business Expectations that the community imposes on firms doing business...