On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose:Accounting → Flexible Real Estate Management → Accounting →Accrual/Deferral → Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Postings1. Enter the contracts for which you want to reverse accruals/deferrals.Or instead, in the Run ID (Run to Be Reversed) field, you can ...
SAP Managed Tags: Utilities Hi Mario, There is a process of revenue accruals in IS-U, under the mass simulation of Billing. However, the pre-requisites is that the IS-U system should be connected to BW You can use mass simulation to extract contract-specific, extrapolated billing data (...
now about the reverse accural, say for example you are gone settled the rebates yearly, but in the month of june ( accrual was $ 60 YTD), an accrual was done but no settlement because you do the settlement only on december 31st. now in septmeber user decides to do the accrual again...