solar system are also discussed: in the inner planetary region, contributing to the formation of the planetary atmospheres and water reservoirs; in the asteroid and Kuiper belts, sculpting their primordial structures, and in the outer edge of the solar system, building up the Oort cloud of ...
Accretion processes in protoplanetary disks produce a diversity of small bodies that played a crucial role in multiple reshuffling events throughout the solar system and in both early and late accretion of planets. Application of thermo-chronometers to meteorites provides precise dating of the formation...
Because the accretion disk itself is believed to be magnetized, the rotation of the disk can twist the magnetic field lines into a helix. 为我们相信吸积盘本身是被磁化的,圆盘的旋转可将磁力线扭曲成螺旋线圈状。 6. In a one-star system like our solar system, the leading theo...
9、In a one-star system like our solar system, the leading theory as to how the planets formed is through a process calledaccretion.(在单星系如我们的太阳系中,普遍认定行星是通过吸积的过程逐渐形成的。) 10、The implication is that the gases in the mantle came not from the sun but from th...
Earth’s origins are challenging to elucidate, given the lack of surviving terrestrial geology from the first 500 Myr of the Solar System. In this Review, we discuss breakthroughs in geochemistry and theoretical modelling that have advanced understanding of Earth accretion. Theory holds that solar...
The dominant accretion process leading to the formation of the terrestrial planets of the Solar System is a subject of intense scientific debate. Two radically different scenarios have been proposed. The classic scenario starts from a disk of planetesimals which, by mutual collisions, produce a set...
Abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSEs) in silicate portions of Earth and the Moon provide constraints on the impact flux to both bodies, but only since ~100 Myr after the beginning of the Solar System (hereafter tCAI). The earlier impact flux to the inner Solar System remains...
The accretion process creates heat and heavier particles sink to the center of the accumulating mass.增长的过程产生了热量,较重的粒子下沉到物质团的中心。 The program made a rough attempt to simulate the accretion process in the early solar system.程序粗略地模拟了早期太阳系的成长过程。
Accretion and differentiation of the terrestrial planets with implications for the compositions of early-formed Solar System bodies and accretion of water In order to test accretion simulations as well as planetary differentiation scenarios, we have integrated a multistage core–mantle differentiation model...
Our knowledge of the radius function of the comets is consistent with their being primary planetoids. The primary difference between the radius function of the planetoids which formed in the inner part of the solar system and that of the comets results from the fact that the seed bodies which ...