Make sure that the private post-secondary school or college you want to attendis accredited withtheprovincial government. 如果您上私立高等院校,要确定该院校 拥有省政府的认证,有认证便说明该院 校的教育标准考核达标。
More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See More 9 Superb Owl Words 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments ...
b.To give credit to:the writer who is accredited with having written the piece. 2. a.To certify as meeting prescribed standards or requirements, as of a profession:a school that is accredited by the state's board of education. b.To supply with credentials or authority, as of a government...
accredit (one) with (something) To attribute an action or achievement to someone. Often used in passive constructions.We did write that song together, but I accredit my brother with the catchy melody—that was all his idea.She has been accredited with saving the company from bankruptcy.Mrs. ...
to ascribe or attribute to (usually fol. bywith):He was accredited with having said it. to attribute or ascribe; consider as belonging:an invention accredited to Edison. to provide or send with credentials; designate officially:to accredit an envoy. ...
fromà"to" (seead-) +créditer"to credit" (someone with a sum), fromcrédit"credit" (seecredit(n.)). Falsely Latinized in French. The word was rare in English in the original sense but became common in the meaning "confer credit or authority on" (1794). Related:Accredited;accrediting...
too, can besupplementedwithspecialistsand -adviserstoaccreditedrepresentatives offoreignStates.•We willreformmedicalstaffingandtrainingtoreplacethe consultant-ledhierarchywithteamsofaccreditedspecialists.•anaccreditedteacher•This is not a particularlyoriginalview, and we had everywordcheckedbyaccreditedtheologia...
with the Paris Principles, so that the commissioncanbe accreditedbythe International Coordinating Committee of National [...] 将对委员会的章程进行修订以符合《巴黎原则》,从而使该委员会 能够得到增进和保护人权国家机构国际协调委员会的合格认可。
Pay for degree - Buy accredited degree that is globally accredited with 24x7 credential verification services.
private post-secondary schoolorcollegeyouwant to attendisaccreditedwiththe provincial government. 如果您上私立高等院校,要确定该院校拥有省政府的认证,有认证便说明该院校的教育标准考核达标。 (d) Be formallyaccreditedbyrecognized networks, such as the ...