When two digits are switched in an accounting entry, it is known as transposition error. Learn more about this common accounting error and how to fix it.
Now, if the difference between these two numbers is divisible by 9, it’s likely you have a transposition error. For example, assume a bookkeeper records a revenue of $26 instead of $62. When you differentiate the two, you’ll get an error of $36. Since $36 divided by 9 equals 4,...
When the difference between debit and credit totals is evenly divisible by 9, this is a mathematical indicator that the account balances may include a transposition error in one of the accounts. A debit balance that should be 12,578 may appear as something like 12,587, for instance. ...
If the difference is divisible by 9, you may have made a transposition error in transferring a balance to the trial balance or a slide error. A transposition error occurs when two digits are reversed in an amount (e.g. writing 753 as 573 or 110 as 101). A slide error occurs when you...
If the steps mentioned above do not locate the mistake, then the difference in the trial balance should be divided by 9. If the difference is even divisible by 9, the error may occur due to transposition or transplacement of figures. Transposition occurs when 54 is written like 45 or 98 ...