Mukherjee, UjjwalMukharjee, SudiptaVidyasagar University Journal of Commerce
The accounting standards provide a framework and standard accounting policies so that the financial statements of different enterprises become comparable. Accounting standards are the rules (framed by an expert committee) in relation to recognition, measurement and disclosure of financial information in ...
China, India, and Indonesia do not follow IFRS accounting standards but have similar standards, while Japan allows companies to follow IFRS standards if they choose. GAAP vs. IFRS: What are the differences between GAAP and IFRS? While GAAP and IFRS both pertain to how financial documents are ...
The data used relate to various local government policies to implement accrual-based accounting standards, including responses from accountants. Data analyzed by Miles Huberman interactive method. Government accounting innovation, in this case, the adoption of the accrual basis accounting system, replacing...
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Accounting StandardsGood Corporate GovernanceIndiaChinaIndia and China are two emerging giant economies of the world. High annual GDP growth of these giant economies has drawn attention of whole world. China at production front and India at service sector front has taken lead in building robust ...
We examined the extent of adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in South Asia and the challenges that are decelerating this process. The moderating organization, International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSAB), instituted IPSAS in an effort to improve ...
Standards (IFRS Index) and the domestic accounting law enactment (Accounting Law Index), we show that the accounting system has a significant impact on bank risk-taking in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. Specifically, compliance with the IFRS induces large drop in bank risk, ...
Review of Accounting Studies provides an outlet for significant academic research in accounting including theoretical, empirical, and experimental work. The ...
Beginner's guide to payroll accounting in India Guide7 mins read1.1K views | Posted on August 30, 2023 | By Sureka Payroll accounting is the process of tracking and recording an organization's expenses related to employee payroll. It helps employers get a clear picture of the cost of each ...