Gijselaers, W.H. & Milter, R. (2009). 'Issues in Accounting / Business Education', in TheGijselaers, W. H., & Milter, R. G. (2010). Issues in accounting/business education. In P. Peterson, E. Baker & B. McGaw (Eds.), International encyclopedia ...
会计学原理-英文版-第21版--第一章Accounting-in-Bussiness C1 AccountinginBusiness C1ImportanceofAccounting Forexample,thesalebyAppleofaniPhone.Keepachronologicallogoftransactions.Preparereportssuchasfinancialstatements.C1UsersofFinancialInformation Accountingiscalledthelanguageofbusinessbecauseallorganizationssetupan...
High-level summaries of emerging issues and trends related to the accounting and financial reporting topics addressed in our Roadmap series, bringing the latest developments into focus. The basics of accounting for business combinations Entities engage in acquisitions for various reasons. For example, t...
7、lesetofaccountingstandardsforglobaluse.,InternationalAccountingStandardsBoard(IASB)Anindependentgroup(consistingofindividualsfrommanycountries),issuesInternationalFinancialReportingStandards(IFRS),InternationalFinancialReportingStandards(IFRS)Identifypreferredaccountingpractices,ConceptualFrameworka ...
Include finances in your business plans Set up a record-keeping system Use stock control methods You can protect your finances by monitoring your finances closely and making your employees aware of their responsibilities. Seek advice from your account immediately when financial issues arise to minimiz...
Issues in Accounting Education发布研究,评论和教学资源,以帮助会计系教师进行教学并解决会计教育中的重要问题。它在2月,5月,8月和11月每季度出版一次,是Scopus和ESCI均收录的顶级期刊。 高级编辑: 伊丽莎白·德雷克·阿尔默(Elizabeth Dreike Almer) 会计教育中的问题 ...
研究方向:BUSINESS, FINANCE 杂志简介 SCIE期刊 Issues in Accounting Education "is an international academic journal dedicated to the field of accounting education. The journal has always been an important platform for accounting education researchers, teachers, curriculum developers, and accounting student...
In the ever-evolving business landscape, accounting practices must adapt to address various special considerations beyond remote work. These considerations arise from modern business practices and trends, and understanding them is essential for accurate financial management. Here are some key factors to co...
C3OpportunitiesinAccounting Financial •Preparation•Analysis•Auditing •Regulatory•Consulting•Planning •Criminalinvestigation Managerial •Generalaccounting•Costaccounting•Budgeting•Internalauditing•Consulting•Controller•Treasurer•Strategy ...
is a requirement for any public company that creates and issues public financial statements. GAAP and IFRS are two sets of standards—both with key differences between then. While IFRS has become the go-to accounting method for international companies, GAAP remains the standard in the ...