ChatGPT frequently appears in the media, with many predicting significant disruptions, especially in the fields of accounting and auditing. Yet research ha
Hi, I'm Keven, I love your channel, I'm in Grade 10 still doing my Ordinary Level, I refer to your past papers. Thank You for everything!!! Hope I pass my Exam Successfully! If you could please send the May/June 2023 Past Papers for IGCSE 9-1 it would be great. Thank You fo...
We aim to champion researchers, practitioners, policymakers and organisations who share our goals of contributing to a more ethical, responsible and sustainable way of working. Find out about our responsible management goal Related journals This journal is part of our Accounting, finance & economics ...
Based upon my experience in research, teaching, writing textbooks, and editing handbooks and journals, this review paper discusses how financial econometri
Grade 1,0 Author Michael Kreienbaum (Author) Publication Year 2022 Pages 32 Catalog Number V1272679 ISBN (PDF) 9783346718204 ISBN (Book) 9783346718211 Language English Tags transparency politics role corporate lobbying accounting standard setting Product Safety GRIN Publishing GmbH Quote paper Michael ...
The change in the liability estimate as a result of updating the discount rate assumption is required to be recognized in other comprehensive income.The amendments require that an insurance entity discount expected future cash flows at an upper-medium grade (low-credit-risk) fixed-income instrument...
As regards vulnerability classes, damage also decreased as the classes improved, both in terms of overall grade (class A reached D5 differently from class D) and of mean PGA at which it occurred (the D1 of class A is reached before the D1 of class B). The highest damage grades were ...
students were free to withdraw from the study at any time. They were asked to provide some socio-demographic information, they responded orally to the Vocabulary and Similarities subtests of WASITMand they completed a paper-and-pencil form of the Neuroticism subscale of NEO-PI-3 and the PANAS...
(e.g., Leary and Roberts2005; Badoer and James2016). Specifically, we control forMarket equity,Book-to-market,Profitability,Debt-to-capitalization,Cash holding,Tangibility,Capital expenditure,Dividend indicator, andInvestment-grade indicator. We also include firm and time (quarter) fixed effects. As...