Petty cash refers to a small amount of currency and coins that a company uses to pay small amounts without writing a check. The amount of petty cash (also known as the petty cash fund) varies by company or organization. For now, let’s assume that the amount is $100. One person is...
现金Cash 银行存款 Cash in bank 库存现金 Cash in hand 流动资产 Current assets 偿债基金 Sinking fund 定额备用金 Imprest petty cash 支票Check(cheque) 银行对帐单 Bank statement 银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement 在途存款 Outstanding deposit 在途支票 Outstanding check 应付凭单 Vouchers payable 应...
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What does it mean to replenish the petty cash fund? If inventory is understated at the end of the year, what is the effect on net income? What is a T-account? What are the two methods for recording prepaid expenses? What is an account payable?
A petty cash fund can do a world of good for your organization. It can speed up the reimbursement process, and your employees need not spend money out of their pockets for immediate and petty expenses. However, to effectively use your organization’s petty cash fund, you must create a ...
INTERNALCONTROLANDCASH STUDYOBJECTIVES Afterstudyingthischapter,youshouldunderstand:DefinitionofinternalcontrolPrinciplesofinternalcontrolInternalcontrolforcashreceiptsInternalcontrolforcashdisbursementsPettycashfundsControlfeaturesofabankaccountBankreconciliationsCashreporting STUDYOBJECTIVE1 DEFINITIONOFINTERNALCONTROLTheplanof...
fund定额备用金 Imprest petty cash支票 Check(cheque)银行对帐单 Bank statement银行存款调节表 Bank reconciliation statement在途存款 Outstanding deposit在途支票 Outstanding check应付凭单 Vouchers payable应收帐款 Account receivable应收票据 Note receivable起运点交货价 F.O.B shipping pointnt商业折扣 Trade discount...
6、journal 普通日记帐 GeneralJournal 工作底稿Worksheet 调整分录 Adjust ingen tries结帐 Clos ingen tries(3 )现金与应收帐款现金Cash银行存款Cashinbank 库存现金Cashinhand 流动资产 Currentassets 偿债基金 Sinkingfund 定额备用金 Imprestpettycash 支票 Check(cheque) 银行对帐单Bankstatement 银行存款调节表Ban kre...
What is an imprest system of petty cash? How is the account Cash Short and Over used? How do I start a petty cash fund? What does it mean to replenish the petty cash fund? What is the cash flow statement? What is the difference between cash flow and free cash flow?
When the petty cash fund is replenished, the completed petty cash vouchers provide the documentation for the replenishment check. Example of Petty Cash Voucher Shown below is an example of a petty cash voucher. Related Questions What is an imprest system of petty cash? How do I start a pe...