今年读到的好书——Terry Smith的《成长股的投资之道》 英文版叫《inversting for growth》,特里史密斯1992年还出了一本《accounting for growth》,也是经典,不过没有中文版。特里史密斯早期是银行分析师,写的《accounting for growth》中披露了很多会计欺诈,被东家开除了。后来自己成立了fundsmith基金,2010-2020年年...
The titleAccounting for Growthwas a deliberate pun. We felt that much of the apparent growth in profits which had occurred in the 1980s was the result of accounting sleight of hand rather than genuine economic growth, and we set out to expose the main techniques involved, and to give live ...
We include several control variables that are likely to be correlated both with firms’ decisions to pay dividends and with the information in firms’ EAs. We include both the main effect of these controls and their interaction withUE. Specifically, we control for firm size (LogMVE), book-to...
Financial Accounting INFORMATION FOR DECISIONS 6th edition John J.Wild University of Wisconsin at Madison To my students and family, especially Kimberly, Jonathan, Stephanie, and Trevor. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: INFORMATION FOR DECISIONS Published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill ...
IPA also delves into the many ways firms can benchmark their progress against their peers: the fastest-growing firms in the IPA 100 (organic growth and all growth), regional comparisons, five-year trends, profitability and compensation for partners and staff. If you would like a PDF ...
growth, liquidity, consolidation differences, one-off earnings items, and tax carryforwards. I also control for a firm’sAnalyst followingto address changes in the information environment that may arise if a lender also has equity analysts with a preference for following the bank’s borrowers. To...