Availability of data and materials Raw data will not be shared because the authors are not authorized for distribution of data. Authors’ contributions SSS and AS conceived the study design. The analysis was conducted by NS. The paper was jointly written by SSS, AS and NS. All authors approve...
nymph activity was markedly reduced during two types of unfavourable temperature conditions: (1) cold conditions with monthly average temperature < 3 °C; (2) hot conditions with monthly average temperature > 16.5 °C. Temperature conditions in mountainous...
Data availability The COAST-RP dataset developed and applied during the study is available in the 4TU.ResearchData data repository96 (https://doi.org/10.4121/13392314) and includes storm tide levels with 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000-year RPs. Code availability The TC...
“Much of real estate is about personal relationships. I never believed in burning bridges. Also, for ‘up and comers,’ I would advise to take time outside of work to follow up and study what one has seen during the day.” At a recent real estate convention, Levy was influenced and ...
To evaluate GW-vulnerability, we consider the probability of low water availability (30th- percentile). Similarly to the scarcity indicator, GW-Vulnerability shows more secure levels during drought periods (winter season) (Figure 5). The crop growth component of SWAT model, called EPIC - Erosion ...
Data Availability Statement The data used in this study is proprietary and not available for public release. Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The researchers used R, chatGPT, Linguix, and Grammarly to prepare this doc...
Due to the availability of data, 24 gauged meteorological stations were employed in the study; nevertheless, their distribution was uneven, with the majority of them being found in low-lying or flat areas (Figure 1). Therefore, obtaining high spatiotemporal resolution precipitation data is a ...
Data Availability Statement Data are from the UK National Tide Gauge Network, owned and operated by the Environment Agency and obtained from the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC): https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/hosted_data_systems/sea_level/uk_tide_gauge_network/processed/, accessed on 1 ...
Data Availability Statement The Level 3 version of the CrIS CFPR Level 2 ammonia data created by Environment and Climate Change Canada data [17] used in this study is openly available at:https://hpfx.collab.science.gc.ca/~mas001/satellite_ext/cris(last access: 10 February 2023). The use...
The surveys were conducted in September, during the transition from summer to autumn; November, when the algae that proliferate in autumn auto-flocculated and settled; and April, during spring farming season, when there was a high influx of agricultural non-point pollutants. A total of five ...