1. CIE A-Level Accounting Coursebook 作者:Markus Stiehl 这本书是与剑桥国际A-Level会计教学大纲(9709)相匹配的教材。它涵盖了会计基础、财务报表、会计周期、记账方法等方面的内容,旨在帮助学生掌握会计学的基本知识和技能。 2. AQA A-Level Accounting Book 作者:Johnstone、Knight和Wilson 这本书是与AQA考试局...
摘要: 剑桥考试局的a-level会计课程分为AS和A-level两个内容,允许学生自由选择。课程涉及到很多财会领域的经济学、管理学相关知识,能够让学生接触很多实际社会中的会计相关性及适用性。下面我们会分享AS部分的Financial accounting核心知识点,正在复习的同学看过来噢! 剑桥考试局的a-level会计课程分为AS和A-level两个...
The support you need to achieve A-Level Accounting success. Study the easy way! We can help you boost your grades with our videos and other resources.
CAIE A-level会计课程的Topics分成Financial Accounting( 财务会计)和Cost and Management Accounting(成本与管理会计)两个大类,AS和A2都会学习到,只是程度上有所不同。AS阶段的课题包括会计周期、非流动资产的会计处理、核对和确认、财务报表制作、材料和人工成本、传统成本计算方法、会计在商业计划中的应用等。A2阶段...
Section A:必做题,两道大题,每题55分 第一题 考点为the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income (接下来简称SPL)和 the statement of financial position(简称SOFP)。 题型基础,难度适中,高频考点。 第一题主要是考学生...
Suitable for one-year AS Level courses and for two-year A Level courses, Accounting: AS Level and A Level helps develop the required computational, accounting, problem-solving and written skills. Theoretical and practical aspects of all topics are covered, with teaching points being illustrated by...
有谁学会A-level 的accounting?难不难啊?赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 yeungsen 2011-03-05 04:31:23 我沒有學但其實可以不選最好不選 因為accounting好像是屬於C類科就大學都不怎麼喜歡的科目。。 赞 回复 [已注销] 2011-03-05 12:02:00 [内容不可见] 赞 回复 大囍♨celia 2011-03-...
A level专职老师,兼职线上授课。这是我们打造的讲义,中英文讲义,刚入门的同学学习很吃力,比如单词,一般用查词软件翻译的意思是错误的,专业英文不同于日常口语。这份讲义适合刚入门的同学~ 刚入门的同学学习这种大片专业英文,阅读很吃力,这里我们通过关键词highlight带着大家学会如何速度。讲义里的符号教会大家如何整理...
Work Out Accounting A-Leveldoi:10.1007/978-1-349-12640-8Macmillan Education UK
Rowbottom, N. (2013). A-Level Subject Choice, Systematic Bias and University Performance in the UK: The Case of Accounting. Accounting Education: an international journal, 248- 267.Rowbottom, N. (2013). A-Level Subject Choice, Systematic Bias and University Performance in the UK: The Case ...