NONPROFIT organizations accountingSOCIAL accountingSEMI-structured interviewsSUSTAINABLE development reportingIn nonprofit organisations, a mix of financial and nonfinancial information is necessary to discharge accountability, and with this aim, social accounting emerged some years ago. Integrat...
This article explores the emerging conceptualization of accountability in nonprofit organizations. This definition broadens traditional concerns with finances, internal controls, and regulatory compliance. Pie authors explore how the top-level managers of 4 identity-based nonprofit organizations (IBNPs) faced...
American nonprofit organizations first developed in the nineteenth century as the organizational instruments through which Americans put their First Amendment freedoms of religion and political belief into practice. For one hundred years American nonprofits were held accountable by relatively small, compact co...
作者:Cutt, James; Murray, Vic 出版年:2000-8 页数:312 定价:$ 189.84 ISBN:9780415213394 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· This unique volume provides new perspectives on assessing the performance of nonprofit organizations whilst meeting the information...
Kearns KP (1994) The strategic management of accountability in nonprofit organizations: an analytical framework. Public Adm Rev 54:185–192 Article Google Scholar Koppell JGS (2005) Pathologies of accountability: ICANN and the challenge of “multiple accountabilities disorder”. Public Adm Rev 65(1...
Effective Governance Structure and Accountability in Managing Risks for Non-Profit OrganizationsNPOs are formed for the purpose of serving a public or mutual benefit other than the pursuit or accumulation of profits for owners or investors. Section 2 of Society Act 1966 defines NPOs as association, ...
Accountability in Action?NONPROFIT organizationsSERVICE industriesRESPONSIBILITYSTAKEHOLDERSCONSTITUENTS (Persons)STOCKHOLDERSINVESTORSQUALITYProgram evaluation can be used as an excellent tool to promote nonprofit human service organizations' accountability. This article Jays out several conditions that need to be ...
Public law principles must be paramount in designing and implementing privatized administrative arrangements. Private nonprofit organizations are a familiar part of the public administration landscape. A case study demonstrates how public accountability is diminished when government arranges a service, leaving ...
But is it feasible, or even desirable, for nonprofit organizations to be accountable to everyone for everything? The challenge for leadership and management is to prioritize among competing accountability demands. This involves deciding both and they owe accountability. This paper provides an overview ...
As the scope and influence of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have increased in recent decades, so has demand for the professional management of such organizations. Specialized, graduate-level education in nonprofit management is an outgrowth of this demand. With the environments, financial profiles, ...