你可以单击页面底部的“管理 Cookie”更改你的选择。隐私声明 第三方 Cookie 接受 拒绝 管理Cookie 跳转至主内容 Microsoft 帐户 帮助 搜索 请登录你的帐户 登录 中文(中国) 你的隐私选择 消费者健康隐私 隐私与 Cookie 使用条款 联系我们 反馈 管理Cookie © Microsoft 2025 ...
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Microsoft Rewards 赚取积分,以兑换礼品卡、向非营利组织捐赠和参加抽奖活动。 Xbox 网络 你的帐户允许你访问 Xbox 网络和社区。 专属于你 通过可自定义的安全和隐私设置保持安全,并从帐户检查中获取个性化建议。 以你的方式提供安全性 选择最适合你的安全和隐私设置,并轻松地针对异常或可疑的帐户活动发出自动警报。
想要获得无广告体验?Microsoft 365 订阅者在 Outlook 中看不到广告。 查看你感兴趣的广告 可以对看到的广告进行个性化设置,以便它们反映你的兴趣。 我们将使用你的搜索、过去购买的 Microsoft 产品,以及与你的Microsoft 帐户和此浏览器关联的其他在线活动向你显示更个性化的广告。 如果你已允许Microsoft Edge使用你的浏...
On the Personal info page, you can view or edit your personal information. Protecting Account Security On the Account & security page in the account center, you can change the sign-in account name, bind a mobile number or an email address, change the security mobile number or email address...
You can check verification status in Partner Center under Account settings | Legal Info, where you can see:One or more tabs, Partner, Developer, or Reseller, depending on the programs in which your organization is enrolled. Your verification status: Pending, Accepted, or Rejected, with a ...
On the account verification result page, carefully read the commitment information in the The Chinese Mainland Resource Procurement section, select the check box, and then click Confirm. In this case, you do not need to submit the certificate information again. You only need to wait for the rev...
No fees: As you’re creating an online bank account, you might considerways to avoid bank fees. Check your bank’s policies on fees for overdrafts, insufficient funds, ATM withdrawals, or maintenance fees, and look into thebenefits of a no-fee checking account. ...
Footnote 10 details10If you make an Internal Transfer on a weekend or holiday, we’ll credit the payment the same day, but we’ll post the payment on the next Business Day. Explore our services Checking Accounts Savings Accounts Credit Cards ...
Manager Account L3 is Standard. TheGetLinkedAccountsAndCustomersInforesponse does not include details about link type i.e., Administrative or Standard. Since the link type can further refine a user's permission depending on their user role, it is included with eachCustomerRolewhen you callGetUser...