在中国如何注册一个 ChatGPT 账号和使用 ChatGPT 服务 All In One 🇨🇳 errors ❌ OpenAI's services are not available in your country. https://platform.openai.com/onboarding?app=chat 前置条件 🆅🅿🅽 使用虚拟手机号码接收短信验证码 (购买海外虚拟手机号码短信代收服务) 注册ChatGPT 账号 PS:...
such as the US. Also, you need to access ChatGPT by IP in the countries that OpenAI supports. This is why many of you cannot create a ChatGPT account. Don’t worry; Lucid Gen will help you solve these two problems.
《ChatGPT》提示封号AccountDeactivated解决方法 本攻略适合海外党,国内也可尝试一下 1、电脑连接手机热点 2、清理浏览器cookies(如失败则在这一步加上重启浏览器) 3、开chrome隐身模式 4、再使用那个账号即可 它会问你名字和生日,瞎填即可 5、如果出现“提示无法加载历史信息”或“输入框输入内容无法发送”,并且账...
简介:关于chatGPT提示:You do not have an account because it 即刻调用文心一言能力 开通百度智能云千帆大模型平台服务自动获取1000000+免费tokens 立即体验 最近有很多网友反映在登录chatGPT时遇到了报错:Oops! You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated 如下图所示 根据笔者的经验...
请更换浏览器再试试哦~ 真的是无语=_=谁叫我没想那么多 如何应用chatGPT 生活 日常 智能 计算机 极客 Chatgpt 互联网 后续 记录 用户体验 使用感 互联网人互助指南 想出名不出名儿发消息 曾经或现在,那些梦寐以求的 偶尔会如际遇般停留甚至短暂的拥有...
很多朋友遇到了chatGPT提示“You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated” 这段英文的意思是:您没有帐户,因为该帐户已被删除或停用。如果您认为这是一个错误,请通过 help.openai.…
How to log in to ChatGPT Once you've created an account, logging into ChatGPT is quick and easy. Here's how to do it: Step 1.Go to the ChatGPT login page at https://chat.openai.com/auth/login. Click the “Log in” button. ...
ChatGPT报错“You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated”, 账号被封该怎么办 今天想登陆chatGPT 写论文来着,突然给我报错 You do not have an account because it has been deleted or deactivated. If you believe this was an error, please contact us through ou… Wade...
Starting today in a few markets and gradually rolling out to the rest of the world, visiting chat.openai.com will no longer ask you to log in — though you still can if you want to. Instead, you ’ ll be dropped right into conversation with ChatGPT, which will use the same model as...
而且目前有v友提到现在OpenAI似乎暂时关闭了注册(4月2日)所以可开通微软New Bing来暂时代替ChatGPT。# 前期准备 可全局的科学上网(最好是vpn)微软账号,注册地址:微软账号注册打开Edge浏览器,New Bing目前只支持Edge浏览器 # 修改微软账号地区 由于国区申请New Bing人较多,大概率会进入等候名单,所以尝试将地址...