Across societies, cultures, and political ideologies, autonomy is a deeply valued attribute for both flourishing individuals and communities. However, it is also the object of different visions, including among those considering autonomy a highly valued
States should take appropriate measures to establish child-friendlyfand child-sensitive legal aid systems takingintoaccount children’sevolving capacities and the need to strike an appropriate balance between the best interests of the child[...] ...
In the final section of the survey, respondents were prompted with a hypothetical onetime federal buyout that would allow Hooper Bay residents to relocate due to rising sea levels within the next 10 years, stressing the pre-disaster application of this type of buyout. The relocation question was...
She was buried in an unmarked grave in Sheldon’s Corners Cemetery. In former times, the label witch or any suggestion of occult powers could have had dire consequences for a woman. By the mid-19th century, the balance had swung toward toleration. From séances to automatic writing, from ...
Agricultural use of nitrates in fertilizers continues to be a major source of groundwater pollution across Europe (European Commission, 2010). Solutions are required which balance the need for food production with the protection of drinking water resources. Accordingly, the European Water Framework Dire...