To get started, you will need install the AWS CLI on your local machine. To learn how to install the AWS CLI, visit the AWS CLI documentation. Next, you will need to configure your local CLI to use your new AWS GovCloud (US) (US) account. To do so, run the following command. ...
现在我们要将这个文件使用ACCOUNT B的凭证,将其拷贝到ACCOUNT A的iloveawscn存储桶中,这样的话这个文件是属于ACCOUNT B的。 来使用CLI操作下: awss3cpaccountb_files3://iloveawscn/ --profile accountb 1. 搞定,可以看到accountb_file这个文件已经成功从我本地拷贝至ACCOUNT A的存储桶中。 我们到ACCOUNT A ...
Finding your AWS GovCloud (US) account ID using the AWS CLIWith AWS GovCloud (US) account credentials use the following command to view your user ID, account ID, and your user ARN:aws sts get-caller-identity If your AWS GovCloud (US) account was created using the CreateGovCloudAccount API...
After listing all the pending invitations, use AWS RAM CLI commandaccept-resource-share-invitationin target AWS account to accept the invitations to clone Amazon Aurora cluster by specifying theresourceShareInvitationArnreceived in previous command : target-aws-account> aw...
Return to the AWS Account Setup page in the Tanzu CloudHealth platform. In the API section, paste the Role ARN value. By default, Tanzu CloudHealth validates the read-only IAM policy with the us-east-1 AWS region. If you do not have access to the us-east-1 region, you must select a...
1. 创建安装有 AWS CLi 的 docker 镜像 - 在容器中安装 AWS CLi - 由容器创建 docker 镜像 - 把镜像推入 ECR 仓库 2. 在 EKS 中下载 ECR 仓库镜像 3. 在 EKS 中访问 S3 - 创建面向 service account 的 IAM Role - service account 绑定 IAM Role ...
echo $AWS_ROLE_ARN echo $AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE 运行结果 说明:Pod内的AWS CLi或者AWS SDK可以通过这两个注入的环境变量,得到临时credentials,用来访问AWS资源 总结 在EKS中访问ECR的镜像,是在nodegroup的Role中授权 在EKS Pod中访问AWS资源,一般用service account绑定的IAM Role中授权 在容器定义模板中...
AWSChinaCreateAccount This repo is to create and deploy account in China region without Control Tower Pre-requisites Ensure you have your AWS organization management account access permission You are familiar with CloudFormation You have installed AWS CLI Set management account profile Install This create...
Setup cross-account access to an S3 bucket and it's encryption key with a IAM role in a different account, then authenticate aws CLI with that account and then try to do an upload to the bucket via aws s3 cp Possible Solution No response Additional Information/Context No response CLI versi...
[ "arn:aws:appconfig:<region>:<config_account_id>:application/<application_id>/configurationprofile/*/hostedconfigurationversion/*", "arn:aws:appconfig:<region>:<config_account_id>:application/<application_id>/environment/*/deployment/*" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "appconfig:...