Bartosz Termenastaff Hi! Could you show me your code? Or send some demo app to my email - b.termena@mdbootstrap.com Best Regards, Bartosz.
I have an accordion that has been working fine (ui.bootstrap). I ran a bower install to get an update of something, and suddenly it's kaput. I click on the header once, and it selects the text, then again and the accordion expands. But I can't make it collapse again. The consol...
Step 1 — Setting Up the Project In this step, you’ll create a new project usingCreate React App. You will then delete the sample project and related files that are installed when you bootstrap the project. To start, make a new project. In your terminal, run the following script to ...
New! Removed bootstrap.js dependency Version 2.0.0 | Released on Jul 09, 2021 Update! Compatibility release for WordPress Download Manager Pro v6.0.0 Version 1.9.0 | Released on Sep 5, 2019 New! New filter hook wpdm_accordion_category_query_args to modify category query arguments. Version ...
It is not possible to change the style of NgbAccordion, NgbPanel, NgbPanelTitle and NgbPanelContent. e.g. If using 'type' is not desirable, there is no way to change the background color or remove the borders without studying the interna...