Eh, the smokescreen of ‘govt shouldn’t be involved in two party medical decisions’ is valid and something that shouldn’t be tossed aside like we have (covid meds, the inclusion of gen pop in trans therapy, etc). The issue here and in the case of minor transitions is the direct ef...
Not following the AB, A, B, O, order of severity guidelines. Pohjalainen says: February 6, 2022 at 2:40 pm I had a mild case in January (unless it was a false positive from the test), mostly just fever, mild after the first two days, and I lost my voice almost completely for...
You Are Not Alone A Blast From The Past From December 2019 *This is 2021 Sarah. And I can hear the howls of out-rage when your read this post and "see, we told you they were poised to take EVERYTHING."That is bullshit. That is rankest, clearest bullshit.
Bet the govt lawyers on the while Bundy thing not only still working but maybe got a one level down performance review. RES says: January 25, 2019 at 10:40 pm I keep wondering what happened to the team which brought the bogus case against Alaska’s Senator Ted Stevens. aacid14 says:...
This needs to be reviewed again with consideration of the long-term and seasonal behaviors. Keywords: IPM bridge; integral abutment bridge; structural analysis; superstructure; substructure 1. Introduction A typical bridge supports vertical loads and lateral displacements on the super-structure using ...