At least I try not to be actively ugly; I’d like to think my wardrobe is interesting and semi-flattering, and I strive for physical fitness. And in the last few years I’ve been working on my parents to make the garden lovely as well as practical (though there is something to be ...
When the boomers swept away the old order of SF and brought their stuff in, suddenly SF became obsessed with gender issues (mostly defined as a rather pat feminism), race issues (the burning issue of their day), and misunderstood economics (that to be honest is still relevant. their kids ...
I have an awful confession to make. And probably the least American thing about me: I don't like Westerns. To be fair, this was also the least Portuguese thing about me, since the westerward expansion and everything it implies is now an ur-myth of the We
Various Forgotten Weapon episodes have gone into the tendency of the Germans and the Swiss to make their firearms needlessly complex. In fact there is an episode on a briefly adopted Swiss submachine gun designed by a man in love with the toggle-lock system (think of the Lugar pistol). It...
I‘ve been saying for a long time that the way in which our environment is particularly abnormal, compared to most of the history of the human race, is that we’re saturated with story. Humans like stories. We seek them out. It is entirely possible that is the difference between us and...