(2014). Was the Birth of Jesus according to Scripture? Journal of Beliefs & Values: Vol. 35, Contemporary Challenges for Religious and Spiritual Education, pp. 262-263. doi: 10.1080/13617672.2014.885185doi:10.1080/13617672.2014.885185Shillington...
We contend that man-made traditions, rather than the truth according to Scripture, has produced a modern day Church with little to no resemblance to the Church as described by Christ and His Apostles.
Grow in your ability to share the gospel with others Develop your ability to live out the gospel in your life Gain more confidence in reading, studying, and teaching the Bible Resources Included with this Course: Here are some of the resources that you get by taking this course: ...
However, since we are all subject to error, we believe it is a mistake to strictly follow after any one man's teaching or denomination at the exclusion of the teachings of the universal body of Christ. Whether Baptist, Presbyterian, Luthren, etc., none have exclusivity when it comes to ...
The New Testament writings allow only limited access to the interpretative traditions that lie beneath the claim that Jesus' resurrection took place according to Scripture. This book investigates the underlying principles of scriptural arguments in relation to Jesus' resurrection and the unstated interpret...
This episode is a conversation with Dr. Rhyne Putman of Williams Baptist University. We discuss the importance of Jesus’s genealogies and his role as the “virgin-born king” (3:48), the virgin birth in the Christian tradition (11:54), the biblical and theological importance of the virgin...
reconciled me to yourself by Christ and you have given me the Spirit of adoption so that I can address you as my Father.32:12Why should the Egyptians say, ‘It was with evil intent that he brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth...
This translation does not introduce any changes, expansions, additions to, or subtractions from the text of scripture. It further retains the traditional biblical ways of speaking about God and about Christ, including the use of masculine nouns and pronouns. The Greek text followed in this ...
还没有人谈过"An Inquiry Into the Effect of Baptism, According to the Sense of Holy Scripture and of the Church of England"。来做第一个。添加新讨论 > 去An Inquiry Into the Effect of Baptism, According to the Sense of Holy Scripture and of the Church of England 的页面 讨论区欢迎 ·...
havenot I the Lord? andthere isno God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour;there isnone beside me. 22 Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for IamGod, andthere isnone else. of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ....