奥克兰维亚达克港索菲特酒店占据得天独厚的地理位置,位处奥克兰的城市中心地段,坐靠繁华热闹的维亚达克港(Viaduct Harbour),面迎怀特玛塔港(Waitemata Harbour)的水色海景。酒店设计大胆时尚,又不失低调优雅,其令人惊艳的水幻大堂、精致典雅的内饰装潢以及宁静私密的滨海景观已成为这座素有“帆船之都”之称的城市不可或...
All months of the year Location 4 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland Central, New Zealand. Proximity to airport: 21 kms to Auckland International Airport Proximity to coach terminal: 1 Km Proximity to town: CBD Auckland location TripAdvisor traveler rating Based on 463 reviews Book...
Book The Sebel Auckland Viaduct Harbour Sofitel Auckland Viaduct Harbour As New Zealand’s largest and most populous city, Auckland is an essential travel destination. With scenic natural attractions, culturally diverse neighbourhoods, and a plenty of great dining and entertainment, Auckland encapsulates...
Rydges Auckland is an excellent choice in Auckland CBD accommodation options. Offering cosy accommodation in close proximity to thecity centre, Rydges Auckland is ideal for many types of travellers. It islocateda short stroll to the Viaduct Harbour, Auckland’s stunning waterfront, which features a...
New Zealand’s premiere Auckland accommodation is a vibrant mix of London sophistication, Sydney cool and New York style. The trademark warm Kiwi hospitality is just an added bonus at Rydges Auckland Hotel! Situated in close proximity to thecity centreand a short stroll to the Viaduct Harbour, ...
Point Residence Luxury Auckland Waterfront Accommodation 滿分5顆星,住宿獲得5顆星 The Point, 406/121 Customs Street West, Viaduct Harbour, 奧克蘭市中心, 奧克蘭, 紐西蘭, 1010-查看地圖&週邊景點 住宿提供免費Wi-Fi和免費停車服務,讓您保持連線,並來去自如。 住宿位於奧克蘭市中心的絕佳位置,讓您輕鬆探索...
Auckland Central Police Station 280米 奥克兰市议会 300米 Made in Nippon 360米 奥克兰会幕浸信会 360米 有用信息 性价比8.2 距市中心1 km 位置评分8.3 最近机场奥克兰机场 (AKL) 距机场17.3公里 城市小屋住宿提供的房型 棒棒哒 客房品质及舒适度
Auckland Dockline Tram是一個有趣的電車系統,可以帶您穿越奧克蘭市中心的景點和海濱區域。而Britomart Transport Centre是奧克蘭市中心的主要交通樞紐,提供了火車、巴士和渡輪等多種交通方式供您選擇。 無論您是要遊覽奧克蘭市區還是前往其他地方,城市小屋住宿周邊的公共交通站點將為您提供便利和便捷的交通選項。周邊餐廳...
Auckland Central Police Station 280米 迈尔斯公园 280米 奥克兰市议会 300米 Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision 300米 筒仓剧院 310米 奥克兰市政厅 310米 Pitt Street Methodist Church 320米 The One Food Market 320米 Real Groovy 320米 显示距离为地图标注的直线距离,实际路程可能不同。 住宿规定 儿童及加床 加床...
Viaduct Harbour1.4 km New Zealand Maritime Museum1.5 km Auckland Domain1.5 km Auckland War Memorial Museum1.8 km Auckland Harbour Bridge3 km Auckland Zoo3.7 km Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium5.2 km Cornwall Park5.4 km Essential information about City Lodge Accommodation ...