In Las Vegas, Nevada, everything is bigger, brighter, and faster than in Columbus, Ohio. I was 13 years old when I went on my first trip out of my hometown of Columbus. Arriving in Las Vegas felt as though I was in a whole other world. The lights were bright, the weather was bea...
The balance of the 17 rail cars are on the tracks, but on the east side of the bridge, said Columbus Fire Chief Rich Cowger. Water users downstream in Laurel, Billings and Lockwood were notified of the collapse and substances in the water in order to prepare for any problems as quickly ...
“So, let’s say it’s summer in Columbus, Ohio, and usually that day is, say, 90 degrees Fahrenheit, but today it is 92 degrees Fahrenheit.” Related articleScientists lay out how to save a melting Antarctica -- and the grim future if we don't Next, the research team asked, “on...
Ohio State Fair Ride Leaves One Dead Photo: YouTube In July 2017, a ride at the Ohio State Fair in Columbus malfunctioned, killing one man and sending at least seven others to the hospital. The ride - called the Fire Ball - malfunctioned, sending two people airborne and causing more to ...
Columbus Teen Drowns in Marion’s Quarry Park: NBC4 Staff; WCMH-TV Columbus; 05/20/2017 Teen Dies After Diving From Florida Lime-Rock Mining Quarry: U.S. News & World Report; 07/12/2017 Update: MCSO Names Tampa Teen Recovered From Quarry: Austin L. Miller; GateHouse Media; 05/28/201...