Try to talk about it?LISTEN AND ANSWER1.Why did they go to the hospital?2.How about Dannys leg?3.What caused Dannys injuries?His leg is fine.Brian and Danny were injured.He fell off a chair and fell on top of Brian.1.What 2、 should we do first?2.Which measures should we take ...
NorthCarolinaDriverandTrafficSafety EducationAssociation 5Unit12Accidents Numberofdeaths,injuries,and amountofeconomiclossdueto motorvehicleaccidentseachyear intheUnitedStates. Thereareabout42,000deaths 2,000,000seriousinjuries $100billionlostintrafficaccidentseach ...
Wecanseetrucksandmotorbikes.2.Whatmighthavehappenedtothedrivers?Thedriverswerebadlyhurtorkilled.3.Whatshouldyoudoifyouseeanaccident?Weshouldcall122or120atonce.Freetalk Topic:Whatdoyouneedtodowhenyoucrossthestreet?PPT模板背景下载
5. Injuries from above are usually of the form of lacerations and fractures. As a result of this process, intervention or elimination of any of the first four factors will stop the injury or loss. Bird and Loftus’ Domino Theory series factors that could influence an accident. ...
Leadin 1.Whatcanyouseeinthepictures?Wecanseetrucksandmotorbikes.2.Whatmighthavehappenedtothedrivers?Thedriverswerebadlyhurtorkilled.3.Whatshouldyoudoifyouseeanaccident?Weshouldcall122or120atonce.Freetalk Topic:Whatdoyouneedtodowhenyoucrossthestreet?Freetalk Topic:Whatshouldyoudowhenyouseesomeonebadlyhurt...
ResponsibleCarelaunchedinCanada Principles,codes,commitment,tools,support,progresstracking,verification MajorIndustrialAccidentsCouncilofCanada1987-1999 Source:USBureauofLaborStatistics( SafetyPerformancebyIndustrySector Injuries&illnessesper200,000hoursworked(2002) Relativerisksoffatalaccidentsinthework...
Safety in numbers: More walkers and bicyclists, safer walking and bicycling. Inj. Prev. 2003, 9, 205–209. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 8. Reynolds, C.; Harris, M.A.; Teschke, K.; Cripton, P.A.; Winters, M. The impact of transportation infrastructure on bicycling injuries and crashes: A ...
Exposure to thermal radiation of 1.5 kW/m2 or higher can cause harm to the human body, and exposure to that of 9.5 kW/m2 or higher for 10–20 s is extremely dangerous as it can cause second-degree burns and fatal injuries. An explosion in a hydrogen fuel-cell room could generate 1.5...