insurance n. 1.[U, sing] [~ (against sth)]保险(契约) 2.[U]保险业 3.[U]保险费 4.[C,U][~ (against sth)]保险措施,(预防损失、失败等 death warrant n. 死刑执行令致命的打击 death throe 【医】 濒死挣扎 cot death n. 婴儿猝死 death feigning 拟死 death trance 死状迷睡 dea...
accidental death insurance 英 [ˌæksɪˈdentl deθ ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [ˌæksɪˈdentl deθ ɪnˈʃʊrəns]意外死亡保险 ...
accidental death insurance 读音:美英 accidental death insurance基本解释 意外死亡保险 分词解释 accidental意外的,偶然(发生)的 death死亡 insurance保险,保险业 accidental death insurance是什么意思 accidental death insurance怎么读 accidental death insurance在线翻译 accidental death insurance中文意思 accidental death ...
Accidental injuries or loss of life can lead to unexpected expenses for you and your family. Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) insurance can help you prepare financially for accidents that result in a covered injury or death. Protecting your family has never been so easy: $2,000 compl...
Accidental death and dismemberment insurance, also known as AD&D insurance, is alow-cost alternative to life insurance. It is a way for people who might otherwise be declined or worry about being rejected for traditional life insurance. Keep in mind there are a handful oflife insurance policies...
accidental death and dismemberment insurance +添加翻译 英文-中文字典 事故性死亡与截肢保险 UN term 意外死亡及伤残保险 UN term 显示算法生成的翻译 将“accidental death and dismemberment insurance"自动翻译成 中文 意外死亡和肢体切断保险 Glosbe Translate ...
accidental death insurance 英文accidental death insurance 中文【经】 意外死亡福利
Ella:AD&D全称为“Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance”,可翻译为意外死亡及伤残险。AD&D是在accidental death或者accidental injury的情况下赔偿。意外死亡及伤残险保险通常作为附加条款加入到人寿保险单中。其中,Accidental Death (意外死亡)包括特殊情况,如暴露在自然环境中、交通事... ...
accidental death:意外死亡 accidental injury:意外伤害 accidental poisoning:意外中毒 accidental damage:...
Accidental Death When adding an AD&D rider, also known as a “double indemnity” rider, to a life insurance policy, the designatedbeneficiariesreceive benefits from both the rider and the underlying policy if the insured dies accidentally. ...