Accessory dwelling units as in-law or granny suites, backyard studio home, vacation and long-term rentals and she-sheds.
Maxable is the leading provider of resources for building Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Granny Flats & Tiny Houses. Access your free ADU starter kit now.
Accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, can be a source of extra income or extra space. Here's what they are and how to finance one.
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are becoming an increasingly popular choice for homeowners looking to add living space or rental income… Read more Why Build With G.J. Gardner Homes? G.J. Gardner Homes, has been building and renovating homes and ADUs for over 30 years. We bring together...
The Backyard Home Company is a leading accessory dwelling units builder for the Los Angeles, California area featuring affordable granny flats, second homes and more.
While the cost of building new accessory dwelling units in your existing multifamily property may be in-line with a larger-scale renovation or construction, the short and long-term benefits can be substantial. Short term, as soon as your new units are finished, they can be rented quickly and...
An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a secondary, self-contained housing unit on the same lot as a primary residential structure. Keep reading to learn more.
Custom Container Homes, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's), Airbnb, Income Properties, Guest Houses, Home Office.Pop Up Restaurants, Coffee Houses, Offices.
If you could use a little more living space, one flexible solution you might be considering is building an accessory dwelling unit, often referred to simply as an “ADU.” You may also hear people call them “granny flats.” Over recent years, accessory dwelling units have become increasingly...
Understanding Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) The ADU is also known as an in-law or mother-in-law unit, secondary dwelling unit, granny flat, or carriage house. An ADU usually has its own kitchen, living area, and separate entrance. An ADU may be attached to a house or garage, or it...