#hide errors$ErrorActionPreference='silentlycontinue'#start VcXsrv with a custom profileStart-Process-FilePath"$Env:ProgramFiles\VcXsrv\xlaunch.exe"-ArgumentList"-run`"$Env:USERPROFILE\config.xlaunch`""#disable the WSL interface in the Windows FirewallSet-NetFirewallProfile-DisabledInterfaceAliases"vEth...
wsl hostname -Ifor the IP address of your Linux distribution installed via WSL 2 (the WSL 2 VM address) cat /etc/resolv.conffor the IP address of the Windows machine as seen from WSL 2 (the WSL 2 VM) Usinglistenaddress= listen on allIPv4 ports. ...
If you are on Windows, the command above will work onWSL. If you can’t install WSL, you might need to replace the single quotes with double quotes and escape the existing double quotes, i.e.-d "{\"firstName\": \"Frodo\", \"lastName\": \"Baggins\"}". ...
Connect to Windows servers from within Linux using the localhost address127.0.0.1. IPv6 localhost address::1is not supported Improved networking compatibility for VPNs Multicast support Connect to WSL directly from your local area network (LAN) ...
EDIT: My initial reason for trying to move to WSL was because I can't manage to run budibase in Windows regardless of using cmd, powershell, or git bash EDIT: Just in case, this is the error I'm getting when building in bash. In powershell, it can't recognize the unix commands fo...
PlayFab Party for Linux is not intended to run on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as it does not have built in support for system sound. As a result, chat features will not function properly. Please run on a dedicated Linux machine to take advantage of all Party features....