Refer to this page for further information: Also check in DSM (in Control Panel), which ports are used, since for some services you can specify custom ports. Always configure the port forwarding to the internal IP address of your NAS, not...
I have the same issue when copying a large file on my NAS (Synology). The window with the progess bar doesn't show any progress at all, eventhough the file will be copied in the background. Copying from the NAS to the Mac and the other way around work just fine. I've tried to ...
blue light flashed for 2 min, then went solid blue. Now the four drive kites are lit solid and I can hear/feel the drives working. I thought some kind of rebuild was going on but it has been going on for 5 days. Findassistant says it can’t find any synology nas on the network....
Re: Help accessing Media Center remotely on Synology NAS « Reply #1 on: June 21, 2022, 03:03:20 pm » Any idea why my synology NAS automatically assigns router ports when I have assigned 53 on my Asus router when port forwarding?Should I assign the ports on my router that synolog...
I'm on 10.15.3 with a brand new Synology NAS, and I'm having this issue. Doing much of anything with SMB volumes hangs the Finder. Right click > Open With > Other makes it freak out pretty reliably; but just now I rebooted, and it freaked out the moment I opened a Finder window...
I was able to get by the error by creating a local user on my 2008 VM server that matched the NAS (a Synology device) user name and password. After that I was able to schedule the server backup succ...
Центрзнаний Synology предлагаеткомплекснуюподдержку, ответыначастозадаваемыевопросы, инструкциипоустранениюнеисправностей, руковод
I was able to get by the error by creating a local user on my 2008 VM server that matched the NAS (a Synology device) user name and password. After that I was able to schedule the server backup successfully. (I did join the NAS to the domain before I tried creating the local use...
After that I added the NAS-IP (LAN) in the routers DHCP settings as a fixed IP.For testing purpose I deactivated the NAS firewall in DSM completely.Now the funny thing is that for some reasons I was able to connect to WebDAV via DDNS internally but not ...
Just installed a NAS210J and have successfully setup some shared folders. The privileges for these shared folder are set up with read/write for all users. My question is from within windows explorer, is there anyway that I can have access to these folders without the need to enter a passwo...