Hello, my name is Dave and I'll be assisting you. To resolve this issue, first locate the option in the BIOS settings to reset the BIOS defaults and apply those changes. Next, navigate to the Boot Priority list and confirm that 'Windows Boot Manager' is selected as the pr...
The billing agreement was based on the number of users that log in, even just once, per month. The hosting solution is billing us for an extra person that has not logged in. They are saying the user logged in but didn't say when. I told my boss to ask them for a log of which ...
因为BIOS版本是最高的了,但是有BUG,老是关机后自动重启,之前没事的,想降级BIOS,但是在Windows下一直失败,无法从高版本降低到低版本,所以在Linux下使用flashrom刷BIOS,但是执行写入和擦除的命令都报错。 sudo flashrom -p internal -E或sudo flashrom -p internal -w ./bios.cap 均出现如下错误 Using clock get...
how can i uncheck "Bypass RD Gateway server for local addresses" from RD client on end users machines using group policy How can I use a wildcard certificate with Windows 10 Pro Remote Desktop? How can you connect to CONSOLE on Windows 2012 remotely? How do I add an additional RD Sessio...