Step free access level main entrance Large entrance door with doorman Second floor main lobby accessible by elevator Clear signage indicating elevator/restroom with braille Accessible restroom in the main lobby Elevator to above ground accessible accommodation level access to public areas Accessible fitnes...
(1) An accessible entrance; (2) An accessible route to the altered area; (3) At least one accessible restroom for each sex or a single unisex restroom; (4) Accessible telephones; (5) Accessible drinking fountains; and (6) When possible, additional accessible elements such as parking, ...
The gift shop was accessible and contained an accessible restroom. There was a second accessible restroom in the Hutcheson Complex at the back of the garden. Both restrooms had ample room for a wheelchair, grab bars and accessible sinks. Service animals are permitted but must be kept on a l...
Peoplewithdisabilitiescanfaceaccessissueswhenattendingandparticipatinginpublicfunctionsinavarietyofways.Theymayexperiencedifficultyhearingwhatissaid,seeingsmallprintonaninvitation,climbingstepstothevenue,understandingsignageorusingarestroominthebuilding. Toensurethateventscanbeaccessedandenjoyedbypeopleofallagesandabilitiesiti...