The IBC includes a requirement for accessible spaces to be provided with not less than one accessible means of egress. Where more than one means of egress are required by Section 1015.1 or 1021.1 from any accessible space, each accessible portion of the space shall be served by not less than...
Like the IBC, the ADA Standards require at least one accessible means of egress for every accessible space and at least two accessible means of egress are required where more than one means of egress is required. The accessible means of egress can include the use of exit stairways and evacua...
SCOPING REQUIREMENTS 201 Application 202 Existing Buildings and Facilities 203 General Exceptions 204 Protruding Objects 205 Operable Parts 206 Accessible Routes 207 Accessible Means of Egress 208 Parking Spaces 209 Passenger Loading Zones and Bus Stops 210 Stairways 211 Drinking Fountains 212 Kitchens, Ki...
View other parts of the International Building Code (IBC) accessible means of egress: Accessible routes (referred to as continuous accessible paths of travel in some legislation) Stairways (including interior exit, interior exit access and exterior exit stairways) Elevators (also referred to as pass...
View other parts of the International Building Code (IBC) accessible means of egress: Accessible routes(referred to as continuous accessible paths of travel in some legislation) Stairways (including interior exit, interior exit access and exterior exit stairways) ...