第一次获取access_token后存放至redis中,并将获取accessToken接口返回的有效时长设置为过期时间。然后在生产环境上用这个全局的access_token去获取微信用户手机号时一直提示失效:{"errcode":42001,"errmsg":"access_token expired rid: 62b9305a-46e1bbcb-429c805f"}。但是在本地配置生产环境地址然后用同一个access...
当然后端问题啊,提示代码和提示信息都这么明显 有用 回复 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进 注册登录 推荐问题 省市区街道数据在哪里可以下载? 省市区街道数据在哪里可以下载? 6 回答5.4k 阅读✓ 已解决 js 如...
秉着怀疑他人前先怀疑自己的意识和职业素养,查看起ELK日志来,发现如下报错日志: 敏感词返回结果:{"errcode":40001,"errmsg":"invalid credential, access_token is invalid or not latest, could get access_token by getStableAccessToken, more details at rid: 657fb5df-05...
I have an existing Web API and I used MSAL in the mobile app following this tutorial. Each time when a user logs in, it will open the browser to help complete the sign in process. Right now it works well with auto-login.But I noticed that when the access token expired, the API of...
AccountExpiredException) { ResponseUtils.write(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "用户账户已过期!"); } else if (failed instanceof LockedException) { ResponseUtils.write(response, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "用户账户已被锁!"); } else if (failed instanceof CredentialsExpiredException...
getNonce()); } return token; } // the grant was issued based on the authorization time check confirming the // token was available but it has expired by now or been removed then // creating a completely new token can be wrong - though this needs to be reviewed throw new ...
希望实现在微信中点击按钮保存图片到相册,同时希望在浏览器中点击按钮保存图片到相册,APP内嵌H5中,点击按钮保存图片到相册?这三个环境下是否可以实现这个功能,如果可以怎么写呢? 4 回答8.8k 阅读 怎么识别手机号的主人变更了? 万一用户 A 注销了手机号 1234567890 ,但是忘记注销我的网站 账号了。然后手机...
I have an existing Web API and I used MSAL in the mobile app following this tutorial. Each time when a user logs in, it will open the browser to help complete the sign in process. Right now it works well with auto-login.But I noticed that when the access token expired, the API o...
第三方平台用获取到的authorizer_access_token拉取/cgi-bin/user/info公众号的粉丝信息,提示 { "errcode": 42001, "errmsg": "access_token expired rid: 643a4e12-6e40337e-6aec8830" } 想问一下,除了网页授权时获取用户用户信息,这现在/cgi-bin/user/info不允许用了么?