MS Access VBA中正确引用SubForm是指在VBA代码中正确地引用和操作一个子表单(SubForm)。子表单是在主表单中嵌入的一个表单对象,用于显示相关的子数据。 在MS Access VBA中,可以使用以下步骤来正确引用SubForm: 首先,确保在主表单上已经添加了一个子表单控件。可以通过在主表单设计视图中拖放一个子表单控件来实现。子...
The subform/subreport control embeds a form in a form or a report in a report.For example, you can use a form with a subform to present one-to-many relationships, such as one product category with the items that fall into that category. In this case, the main form can display the ...
VBA Language Reference Microsoft Access Visual Basic Reference Welcome to the Microsoft Access 2003 Language Reference Microsoft Access Object Model What's New Concepts Reference Collections Objects A B C D F G H I L M O P R S Screen Object Section Object SmartTag Object SmartTagAction Object ...
VBA Language Reference Microsoft Access Visual Basic Reference Welcome to the Microsoft Access 2003 Language Reference Microsoft Access Object Model What's New Concepts Reference Collections Objects A B C D F G H I L M O P R S Screen Object Section Object SmartTag Object SmartTagAction Object ...
Thank you, that is one step closer, this works for a fixed subform name The final step is to reference a variable subform name, e.g. SetFormName = Forms![MainForm]![subformN].Form where N is set based on VBA logic Tuesday, March 6, 2018 12:11 AM ...
Make sure you reference the correct name of the subform on the main form or the code will not work. For example, if the subform control has a SourceObject set to a form named "frmOrderItems_sub" but has a control name of "OrderItems" on the main form, then your code should look li...
For controls, you can use the Section property to determine which section of a form or report a control is in.Section property as it applies to the Form and Report objects.You can use the Section property to identify a section of a form or report and provide access to the properties of...
MS Access VBA Control Events – PT2 AfterUpdate BeforeUpdate NotInList MS Access VBA Control Events – PT3 NotInList Continued Module 3 MS ACCESS FORM OBJECTS – PT1 Forms collection Forms object referencing MS ACCESS FORM OBJECTS – PT2 ...
Solution 1: This won't stay so basic when the subform, store the old ID, then copy the main records, read the new ID, and then use these two IDs to copy the subform, I would try to solve as much as possible with Access Non-VBA-Solutions., This is a skeleton - you would use ...
Dim ctl As Control Dim varTemp As Variant Set ctl = Forms!Contacts!HelpButton If (Left(ctl.OnClick, 1) = "=") Then Access-VBA数据库编程(1) 第7章 VBA数据库编程 . 1 本章内容 记录集概述 在Access中引用ADO对象 引用记录字段 浏览记录 编辑数据 用ADO技术实现复杂查询 在VBA程序中使用SQL...