Products strMsg ="Enter one or more letters of product name "_ &"followed by an asterisk."' Prompt user for input.strInput = InputBox(strMsg)' Build criteria string.strFilter = BuildCriteria("ProductName", dbText, strInput)' Set Filter property to apply filter.frm.Filter = strFilter' ...
InputBox(prompt[, title] [, default] [, xpos] [, ypos] [, helpfile, context]) InputBox 函数的语法具有以下几个命名参数: Prompt:必需的。作为对话框消息出现的字符串表达式。prompt 的最大长度大约是 1024 个字符,由所用字符的宽度决定。如果 prompt 包含多个行,则可在各行之间用回车符 (Chr(13...
If you are a Small Business customer, find additional troubleshooting and learning resources at theSupport for Small Businesssite. Symptoms When you run a macro that calls a Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) function in a Microsoft Office Access 2007 or later database, you receive the...
Prompt for length and width.DM.intPaperLength = InputBox("Please enter page length in inches.") *254DM.intPaperWidth = InputBox("Please enter page width in inches.") *254' Update property.LSet DevString = DMMid(strDevModeExtra,1,94) = DevString.RGB rpt.PrtDevMode = strDevModeExtra...
Prompt users to save changes Prompted for username and password Query must have at least one destination field Reset an AutoNumber field value Reset page number on group level in a report Resolve database reference issues Resolve references in VBA Runtime error 2147319779 (8002801d) library not re...
Prompt users to save changes Prompted for username and password Query doesn't return any data Query fails because of double-byte arabic number Query must have at least one destination field Register or unregister ActiveX controls Reset an AutoNumber field value ...
第1节VBA概述 •VBA是VisualBasicforApplications的简称。是VisualBasic的一种宏语言,主要是用来扩张Windows的应用程序功能,特别是用来对MicrosoftOffice的组件进行功能扩展的脚本语言。•Access是一种面向对象的数据库,利用面向对象技术来进行程序的开发,VBA编程则是Access的面向对象开发技术的主要工具。在Access的应用...
We've enabled the Tools/Digital Signature command within the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for current Microsoft Access database formats. Signing a database allows VBA code in the database to be run even if Trust Center settings specify ...
Prompt for length and width.DM.intPaperLength = InputBox("Please enter page length in inches.") *254DM.intPaperWidth = InputBox("Please enter page width in inches.") *254' Update property.LSet DevString = DMMid(strDevModeExtra,1,94) = DevString.RGB rpt.PrtDevMode = strDevModeExtra...
You can’t write any VBA event procedures to run behind the Parameters dialog. Solution Use a form-based parameter query by creating a more user-friendly form that collects the parameters. Here are the steps to create a parameter query using a form-based prompt: Decide how many parameters yo...