FileOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Microsoft_Excel文件(*.xls*),*.xls*", MultiSelect:=True, Title:="合并工作薄") X = 1 While X <= UBound(FileOpen) ' UBound():返回数组最大下标 Workbooks.Open Filename:=FileOpen(X) Sheets().Move After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets...
frmFileDialog的窗体,除了标题标签,退出按钮及其关联的标签,两个名为cmdFolder和cmdFile的命令按钮以及每个标签的关联标签(lblFolder和lblFile)外,上面还有一个表单 与表单关联的模块,其中包含支持各种控件的VBA代码。 modMain,仅包含FSBrowse()的代码。 VBA代码 让我们从一个例程开始,该例程提供一个使用此对象的简单接...
", vbInformation, _"Select a file using the Common Dialog DLL"ElseLaunchCD = Trim(Left(OpenFile.lpstrFile, InStr(1, OpenFile.lpstrFile, vbNullChar) -1))EndIfEndFunction 在“调试”菜单上,单击“编译 Northwind”,然后关闭 Visual Basic 编辑器。
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VBA\7.0\Common To correct this problem, copy the VBA 6.0 registry keys from the 6.0 hive to the 7.0 hive. For more information, seeUser registry settings to migrate to Office 2010andCompatibility Between the 32-bit and 64-bit Versions of Office 2010(https...
Set dlgOpen = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With dlgOpen If .Show = -1 Then exportpath = .SelectedItems(1) Else Exit Sub End If End With Dim fs As Object Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fs.copyfile fs.BuildPath(CurrentProject.Path, copyfilena...
Enter a name for the database, and then click Save. Exit Access 2003. Open the database in Access 2013 or later version of Access. On the File tab, click Save As, select Access Database (*.accdb), and then click Save As.
2. Review the proposed file name in theFile Namebox, and the path for the database file, listed just below. You can change the file name by typing in theFile Namebox. 3. To change the path, click the folder icon next to theFile Namebox to browse for a location ...
二、但Select Case 无法直接支持 Like模糊搜索 本人有一点代码洁癖,有时写完的代码经过Indent代码美化工具美化后,还是看着不爽,如下面的If条件太多,看着就非常纠结,总是忍不住想改得再清晰一点,但无奈Case 语句中是不直接支持Case Like "*条件*",这样的语法,只有独辟蹊径了。
After specifying the name, to specify a folder of your choice, under File Name and on the right side of the name of the database, click the Browse button . This would open the File New Database dialog box. You can click the arrow of the Save In combo box to select a drive such ...
When you restart Access and open a database, Jet begins to log query optimization plan information to the file ShowPlan.out, in the current folder. (Jet only writes information to the ShowPlan.out file as it creates the query plan. You may need to open a query in Design view, modify ...