如:Format("2010-5-1 9:8:5", "y")=121 yy:两位数的年份(00-99) 如:Format("2010-5-1 9:8:5", "yy")=10 yyy:上面的 yy 与 y 结合在一起 "如:Format("2010-5-1 9:8:5", "yyy")=10121 Format("2010-5-1 9:8:5", "yy年第y天")=10年第121天 yyyy:四位数的年份(0100-9999...
说明 对为Format属性所指定的预定义格式,可以使用DecimalPlaces属性来覆盖默认的小数位数。 预定义的货币和欧元格式与 Windows 区域设置中的设置相同。可以通过输入自己的货币格式覆盖这些设置。 VBA示例 以下是预定义数字格式的示例: 以下是自定义数字格式的示例:...
id=18126 但查询中,我们需要用Format函数转换一下格式才行,方法如下: Format([字段名],"Standard") 附件: 演示:
使用Private關鍵詞在 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 模組的 [宣告] 區段中宣告的變數。 這些變數可供模組中的所有程式使用。 貨幣數據類型 在Access 專案中,將金額儲存在 -922,337,203,685,477.5707 到 922,337,203,685,477.5807 範圍內的數據類型,精確到金額單位的十萬分之一。 移動句柄 顯示在 [設計...
Office VBA 參考 Access 概觀 概念 概觀 ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 控制項 準則運算式 Data Access Objects (DAO) 資料類型 錯誤碼 表單設計 表單- 使用者輸入 列印 報告 設定 結構化查詢語言 (Access SQL) 彙總函式 子句 保留的關鍵字 ALL、DISTINCT、DISTINCTROW、TOP 述詞 ...
FormatCount An Integer value that specifies whether the Format event has occurred more than once for a section. For example, if a section doesn't fit on one page and part of it moves to the next page of the report, Microsoft Access sets the FormatCount argument to 2....
Private Sub sectionname_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) SectionNameThe name of a Report section. CancelThe setting determines if the formatting of the section occurs. Setting the Cancel argument to True (–1) cancels formatting of the section. ...
Today I was building some Access DB, where I had to sum two variables in HH:MM:SS format. Then I had to multiply them by one integer and at the end to display them as HH:MM:SS once again. It seems really easy, if you are programmer who uses plenty of external libraries, but wit...
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, _ FormatCount As Integer) Const conBold = 700 Const conNormal = 400 If FormatCount = 1 Then If DLookup("CompanyName", _ "Customers", "CustomerID = Reports!" _ & "[Customer Labels]!CustomerID") _ Like "B*" Then CompanyNameLine.FontWeight...
You can set theFormatproperty to the Yes/No,True/False, or On/Off predefined formats or to a custom format for the Yes/No data type. Setting Microsoft Access uses a check box control as the default control for the Yes/No data type. Predefined and custom formats are ignored when a check...