AccessType. Stick with JDK 1.6. I suggest you locate all jars (wherever they might be, referred to from Eclipse) and run jar -tf jaxb-api.jar | grep AccessType If this doesn't show javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlAccessType.class but javax/xml/bind/annotation/AccessType.class then throw i...
The error is shown in the image: My jdk version is 6.0. I wonder why? Actually, I have another project which use the same java sources created by jaxb,there is no problem,I am surprised. Anyone can do me a favor?
Description: Failed to evaluate expression 'error_expression': error value '#VALUE!'. Error Number: -8990 Context:error_expression In this scenario, you notice that Access Services and the Access 2010 client generate different...
I am trying to compare two text fields txtTrailerNumber and txtSealNumber to the database table Tab_TrailerDetails. [TrailerNumber] and [SealNumber] as listed in the table. I am trying to get the database to look at the trailer number entered into the…
[Indication, Exception, UMLPackagePath("CIM::Interop"), ClassVersion("1.0.0"), dynamic, provider("RAServerPSProvider"), AMENDMENT] class RemoteAccessError : MSFT_WmiError { uint16 ErrorType; string OtherErrorType; string OwningEntity; string MessageID; string Message; string MessageArguments[];...
Run-time error '2455'. You entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the property UniqueTable The expression <event> you entered as an event property setting produced the following error: Type Mismatch (Run-Time error 13)
To illustrate this concept in another way, suppose that you have a nested procedure that includes error handling for a type mismatch error, an error which you have anticipated. At some point, a division-by-zero error, which you have not anticipated, occurs within Procedure C. If you ha...
[task.cpp:99] error parsing config: {"context": {"device":"<any>","model":"<any>","stream":"<any>"},"input": ["prep_output"],"input_map": {"img":"input"},"is_batched": true,"module":"Net","name":"yolox","output": ["infer_output"],"output_map": {},"type":"...
推荐使用授权码模式(grant_type=authorization code)获取授权: 先获取code, 再用code获取access token(同时还会得到access_token的有效期expires_in、 用于刷新access_token的refresh_token)。 注:code: 是作为换取access_token的票据。 code只能使用一次, 10分钟未被使用自动过期。
TftSemanticError TftSytaxError ThermalEmergency 热米特格 TratSwapFailed UeInitiatedDetachOrDisconnect UeIsEnteringPowersaveMode UeRatChange UeSecurityCapabilitiesMismatch UmtsHandoverToIwlan UmtsReactivationReq UnacceptableNetworkParameter UnacceptableNonEpsAuthentication 未知 UnknownInfoElement UnknownPdpAddressType Unkn...