Connector registration failed: Make sure you are an Application Administrator of your Active Directory to register the connector. Error: 'The registration request was denied.' L'alias con cui si sta tentando di accedere non è un amministratore di questo dominio. Il connettore viene sempre install...
However, as many as 25% of transgender individuals were still denied health care coverage because of their identity as of 2019 [1]. Despite these structural limitations to healthcare access, general health (i.e., overall health and health unrelated to gender affirming care) is considered one ...
[4]. However, as many as 25% of transgender individuals were still denied health care coverage because of their identity as of 2019 [1]. Despite these structural limitations to healthcare access, general health (i.e., overall health and health unrelated to gender affirming care) is ...
Finally, thematic analysis of open-ended qualitative responses was conducted to further contextualize the challenges experienced by rural-living residents. Results Four distinct COVID challenge impact subgroups were identified: 1) Social challenges (35%), 2) Social and Health challenges (31%), 3) ...
Cache Access Denied. The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: %U Cache Access Denied. Sorry, you are not currently allowed to request %U from this cache until you have authenticated yourself. Please contact the cache administrator if you have difficulties authenticating ...
Total Mean Score: Barriers to Health Care 3.70 0.41 2299 Dimension: Health Care Discrimination (How many times during the past 12 months have you experienced the following negative events because you are, or were thought to be LGBT?)c 1. I was denied or provided inferior health care. 2.89...
Cypress cannot write to the cache directory due to file permissions---Failed to access /.cache/Cypress:EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.cache/Cypress'---Platform: linux (Debian - 8.10)Cypress Version: 3.0.2". info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the inform...
The calculation was based on the following assumptions: 1) an average gesta- tional age at first visit among all women of 24 weeks for AnC clients and 12 weeks for abortion clients, 2) a mini- mum clinically relevant change in gestational age at first visit due to obtaining a urine ...