It is explained how young people can gain easy access to increasingly specific and specialist services at the higher steps of the model via the online central portal with general information as a first step. The lessons learned highlight the importance of partnerships, coordination and a shared ...
Perceived Readiness to Practice among BSC Honors in Nursing Graduates: Implications for Training Clara Haruzivishe, Doreen Mukona Macherera Apr 02, 2021, PP. 1-12 Full-Text An Evaluation of Getting the Message: A Reading Course for Schools—Based on Reading Theories Qiudong Li Mar 22,...
In this study, relevant experts were invited to participate in online and offline meetings to collectively discuss the best evidence extracted. Ten experts from the Xiangya Nursing School and Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from different fields participated in this study, covering CVAD pla...
Barriers to the Implementation of the Nursing Approach in Public Hospitals in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study Ndayi Kabamba Julie, Ilunga Kandolo Simon, Kabange Umba Irène, Matungulu Matungulu Charles, Abdulu Mahuridi, Mwinkeu Kasongo Narci...
International evidence (1,3–5) is consistent with thrombolysis resulting in high direct costs and potential cost savings in reduc- tion of rehabilitation and nursing home admissions within a period of less than one-year (mostly based on a 90-day period and assumed to be constant to one-year...