Our findings indicate extended families of Mexicans in the US play a significant role in the lives of elderly immigrants. These types of households have a greater number of older adults who arrived at different historical periods of migration between Mexico and the US....
Mexico operates a public healthcare program that provides defined healthcare services to payroll employees as well others who voluntarily enroll in the system
Mexican return migrants, this study investigates return migrants' health insurance coverage and access to medical care. Methods: I use descriptive and multivariate techniques to analyze data from the 2009 and 2014 rounds of Mexico's National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID, combined n=632,...
Our platform enables patients to seek second opinions from global specialists, compare treatment costs, and schedule appointments at reputable clinics and hospitals in sought-after destinations such as Mexico, Thailand, Japan, Turkey, Spain, and beyond. With a commitment to improving healthcare ...
Megan Bridges is Senior Manager for the Americas at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and supports the U.S.-Colombia Business Council, U.S.-Mexico Economic Council, U.S.-Canada Business Initiative, and Coalition for the Rule of Law in Global Markets. ...
Cancer has become the third cause of death in Mexico. Treatment for cancer is often complex and lengthy. New and better medicines enter the market at high prices, which may limit access. Like most Latin American countries, Mexico has an essential cancer
Physicians and researchers are urging New Mexico legislators to allow the use of psychedelic mushrooms in mental health therapy aimed at overcoming depression, anxiety, psychological trauma and alcoholism. A legislative panel on Tuesday listened to advocates who hope to broaden the scope of medical tr...
Best practices to safely, legally source prescription medications in Mexico. Surging health care inflation andrising prescription drugs pricesareprimary factorsthat thousands of Americans consider when traveling for medical treatment to other countries to realize significant cost savings. ...
Participating in medical insurance had significant effects on their medical seeking behavior. Despite recent improvements in coverage, disparities still exist. Immigrants from Mexico to the US had high uninsured rates and inadequate access to care [20]. In fact, 62% of surveyed Mexican individuals ...
MEDICAL careDIABETESBLOOD plasmaBLOOD sugarCONFIDENCE intervalsObjective. To examine the relationship between access to health care and undiagnosed diabetes among the high-risk, vulnerable population in the border region between the United States of America and Mexico. Methods....