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Transport and social exclusion: access to higher education in the UK policy context. J. Transp. Geogr. 19 (4), 763-771. 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.09.005.Kenyon, S (2011) Transport and social exclusion: access to higher education in the UK policy context, Journal of...
What is an Access to Higher Education Diploma? Do you dream of going to university and studying for a degree? Not sure if you have the right qualifications? Want to build your confidence first? An Access to Higher Education Diploma (Access to HE) might be perfect for you. Access to HE ...
More than three-quarters of Access students going on to higher education studied close to home, with north east and north west figures for attending a local institution particularly high at 90% and 84% respectively. 在接受高等教育的学生中,超过四分之三的人是在离家不远的地方学习的,东北和西北地...
Our students have gone on to study degrees at over 170 universities. Access to Higher Education Diplomas Get into university without A-levels see Courses > £1214.72 (or from only £99.98 a month)enrol today for just £10.00 Advanced British International Diplomas Get into UK university ...
ERIC ERIC (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 引证文献 同作者Back to School: Women, Welfare, and Access to Higher Education. Despite welfare reform initiatives emphasizing job training, the complexity...
Access to Higher Education. Without prejudice to existing or future arrangements between two or more Parties as regards qualifications giving access to higher education, the Parties are invited to exc...
The old ‘elite only’ model excludes too many talented children of the lower classes from access to higher education in addition to flagrantly violating even the semblance of equal opportunity. The social-democratic model in which all qualified candidates can access higher education at no or ...
This paper compares access to full-time undergraduate higher education (HE) by members of less advantaged social classes and ethnic minorities across the four 'home countries' of the UK. It uses data on applicants to HE in selected years from 1996 to 2010. In all home countries students from...
Jones, R., and L. Thomas. 2005. The 2003 UK government higher education white paper: A critical assessment of its implications for the access and widening participation agenda.Journal of Education Policy20 (5): 615–630. ArticleGoogle Scholar ...