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12/895480 Publication Date: 04/05/2012 Filing Date: 09/30/2010 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Certicom Corp. (Mississauga, CA) Research in Motion Limited (Waterloo, CA) Primary Class: 706/47 International Classes: ...
within a table name entry in said table index a pointer to a parameter index in said storage means; and at least one parameter index having an entry for at least one parameter where each said entry for a parameter has a pointer to a location in said storage means to a primary key ind...
I am currently having issue with the authentication VPN users on my AAA server which is a Cisco ACS v4.2 integratd already with my MS AD. The ACS server is working just fine when authenticating users over WIFI using their AD credentials, but as soon as i use XAUTH it fails and i ge...
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